From The Secret Cup to The Dope Cup to the All-Hawaii Invitational to Chalice and the Ego Clash and beyond…
The Blazers Cup, The High Times Cup and of course The Emerald Cup, Freeborn Selections, founded by Mean Gene from Mendocino, has routinely distinguished itself as one of the most awarded and winningest Breeders on the planet.
None of which is accidental.
Born into the world almost solely to create cutting edge Cannabis Genetics, Mean Gene was raised from the start in the community he has come to be renowned for deeply caring for and generously contributing to.

Set in coastal hills where nature has brought together the perfect combination of sunshine, humidity, temperatures and wind current.

Like many of the Californian cannabis pioneers that have been quietly active for generations now, Mean Gene was born into the wild universe of cannabis farming and development.
But as he grew, where his interests diverged from almost everyone else’s was around the practice of genetic development, as opposed to commercial farming.
The simple and alchemizing power of nature and creative vision.
Breeding cannabis in the mountainous northern California region of beautiful Mendocino for decades now, Gene has taken up the path where his mother, who was preserving genetics when he was a child, laid down for him to follow.
In guerilla gardens at age 4, cloning plants at age 9, Mean Gene has been in the heart of it all from ever since, in a way that very few have, and in a way that is no longer possible.
With over 20 years of active breeding projects under his belt now, combined with wins and awards across the full spectrum of notable cannabis competitions, Mean Gene from Mendocino has distinguished himself as nearly a stand-alone entity in the realm of Cannabis Genetics.
With taste-making masterpieces like Black Lime, Cherry Limeade, Grape Soda Skunk and Root Beer, Gene continues to develop the way forward.
Creating the most elegant flowers in the world can only be done by keeping things as simple as possible.
With the focus on cannabis flavor development being his zone of interest, Mean Gene has expanded the scope over the years into Breeding cannabis plants not just for flower or cannabinoid production (such as CBD), but for extraction as well.
And that will continue to be part of the main focus for Freeborn Selections, whose Mission is centered around making sure that certain genetics that currently exist are preserved for future generations to enjoy and work with, coupled with the improvement of what has been, and is being, currently crafted through his on-going breeding projects.

“Fortunately, we love that.
And that’s what we’re going to continue to do.”

WOW… awesome story , explanations and beautiful website. Much LOVE and THANKS to Alpine Seed Group and Freeborn Selections.!!
I’m head over heels in love !!!!
Peace my Brothers,