Banana Cream
Banana OG x G-nut (Hazelnut Cream x (G-mob 392 x G-mob BC1)
I started growing Banana OG about a decade ago. This plant produces beautiful sandy trichomes that were made for hash. This potent variety truly smells like bananas with a flavor that is similar to banana runts candy with added gas. Originally bred by Orgnkid and held down by Mr. Bob Hemphill aka the librarian, Banana OG is a cultivar with exceptional qualities for breeding work. When Simplee Adam made the first batch of Banana OG melt for us ten years back, my understanding of hash made a quantum leap.
This year I continued the journey by combining two more of my favorite hash varieties
Hazelnut Cream (an amazing hash selection made by my friend Julian of Dab Logic) and G-MOB
Look for banana, cream, funk, savory gas flavors and trichomes with exceptional hash qualities on fast growing tall pants that finish around the 3rd week of oct in the north or about 10 weeks of flower. The flowers are very mold and rot resistant, but it is recommended to avoid growing conditions conducive to powdery mildew.
G-nut 392 bc1
G-mob 392 x (hazelnut cream x (G-mob 392 x G-mob BC1)
G-nut 392 in a back cross on the G-mob side using the same 392 grandmother that was selected for her hash qualities. This is a technique used to take the desired qualities from the hazelnut cream selection, that was also selected for her hash qualities, and sandwich them in the G-mob genetics. The hash will be outstanding to work with and the flavors will be funky, savory, creamy gas side of things. Tall fast growing plants that set into long spears that fill in with flowers that look like diamond incrusted jewels.
AKA Grown Men On Bikes aka garlic, mushrooms, onion, banana is a high yielding, full flavor hash variety originally made by crossing Banana Valley Dog [Banana OG x (SFV OG x Black Dog BC4)] with GMO. The result was a tall, fast growing hash monster with an outstanding savory, funky mix of banana, garlic, gas and berries that envelope the taste buds like the first bite of a perfectly paired dessert after a rich and flavorful meal.
The original line was meticulously cloned and hashed to make selections from the highest yielding, best tasting plants from the original cross. Some of the standouts that Sam of Dab Logic helped to id and select (the 343,437 and 392) yielded 7% and 8% that were a dream to work with for hash makers. But where G-MOB really excelled was in the in the full, long lasting complex mouth watering flavor that danced on the pallet and changed over time playing a melody of notes on the pallet like a song of flavor sensations.
The original G-MOB hybrid was back crossed back on to GMO to make G-MOB BC1. The BC1 male selection was then put back on the 392 (purple) selection.
The work Biovortex put into this variety dates back to 2012-2017 to make and select the Banana Valley Dog. The G-MOB has been worked from 2018 to 2023 to make this seed group.
This variety is highly recommended for hash makers. The flowers are beautiful and potent, but it is the resin that is truly exceptional.